Winter Tips 2025

Winter is a time of joy, family, and holidays. Snowball fights, sledding, and ice skating are favorite activities of kids and parents alike, and when done safely can be a great form of cold-weather exercise! Read on for some winter safety tips to keep your family happy and healthy this season.
Bulky coats have no place in car seats! Little ones should be dressed in thin layers, with thicker coats or blankets on top of car seat straps. Bulky fabrics can decrease the effectiveness of the harness and allow your child to slip and move in the event of a car accident. Read more here.
Although standing at the bus stop in a hoodie is a common source of stress for parents, this will not lead to more illnesses. It is a myth that being in cold weather causes a “cold”, which is actually caused by viruses. With more time indoors during the winter, viruses can spread quickly with more surface touching, sneezing in confined quarters, and indoor gatherings of loved ones. The best way to slow or stop the spread of germs is to wash your hands! Using soap and water, scrub for at least 20 seconds before eating, after nose blowing, or when hands are visibly dirty.
Prolonged exposure to cold weather can pose separate health risks, in the form of frostbite and froswtnip. Fingers, toes, ears and noses are common places to be quickly affected by these ailments, which are when the skin and underlying tissues get too cold for too long. Children are at higher risk than adults because their bodies are smaller and they might be “too busy” to notice the symptoms, which include pain, tingling and numbess. Make sure to dress in layers, take breaks, and replace wet clothing items with dry ones. Definitely wear hats and gloves to enjoy the winter months and keep active (remember, kids need an hour or more of active play every day!).
Don’t forget your sunscreen! Regardless of time of year or temperature, the sun’s rays can cause burns if not protected (especially if there is snow to reflect the rays!). Keep your SPF handy before you head out skiing or sledding.
A few extra tips:
- Keep extra blankets in your car in case of emergency or engine trouble
- Check those carbon monoxide detectors
- Keep a small emergency stock of food, water, baby formula in case of inclement weather
- Stay off of frozen ponds and lakes unless they have been properly checked for safety
- Pack some hot cocoa for after your sledding and your kids will think they won the lottery!
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