COVID-19 Vaccine Information

Hilliard Pediatrics' Vaccine Availability

The CDC has recommended that everyone ages 6 months and older receive one dose of an updated mRNA vaccine (2024-2025 formulation). The updated dose should be given at least 2 months after any previous COVID vaccine dose.

Children ages 6 months through 4 years of age should compelte a multi-dose initial series (2 doses of Moderna or 3 doses of Pfizer) with at least one dose of the updated vaccine. All doses shuld be from the same manufacturer for this age group.

Our office is currently administering Moderna vaccine ONLY.  

Moderna - Approved for ages 6 months of age and older. Our office will only be carrying Moderna at this time.  The 6m-11y vaccine is still under emergency use authorization, but the 12+ vaccine is fully FDA approved under the name Spikevax. Please read the patient fact sheets below.

  • 6 months - 4 years of age - For children under 5 years of age, they are recommended to receive at least 2 doses of COVID-19 vaccine, at least one of which is the new 2024-2025 seasonal vaccine. 6m-11y Moderna Fact Sheet.  This will look a little different for each kid depending on their current COVID-19 vaccination status.
    • Unvaccinated - will receive 2 doses, at least 1 month apart
    • 1 dose of any Moderna COVID-19 vaccine - will recieve a 2nd dose, at least 1 month after most recent dose
    • 2 doses of previous Moderna COVID-19 vaccine - will receive 1 dose of new seasonal vaccine, at least 2 months after most recent dose
  • 5 years - 11 years of age - For children ages 5 through 11 years, they are recommended to receive at least 1 dose of COVID-19 vaccine, one of which should be the new 2024-2025 seasonal vaccine. If they have received a previous dose of COVID-19 vaccine, the new seasonal vaccine should be given at least 2 months after the most recent dose. 6m-11y Moderna Fact Sheet
  • 12 years of age and older - For children 12 years of age and older, they are recommended to receive at least 1 dose of COVID-19 vaccine, one of which should be the new 2024-2025 seasonal vaccine. If they have received a previous dose of COVID-19 vaccine, the new seasonal vaccine should be given at least 2 months after the most recent dose. 12+ Moderna Fact Sheet

Pfizer - Approved for 6 months of age and older.  Our office is NOT carrying the Pfizer vaccine, only Moderna.  For more information about Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccines, please read the patient fact sheets listed below by formulation or visit their website at

  • 6 months - 4 years of age - A 3-dose series is authorized for Emergency Use in individuals 6 months through 4 years of age. The initial 2 doses are administered at least 3 weeks apart followed by a third dose administered at least 8 weeks after the second dose. Children in this age range are not authorized to mix and match between Pfizer and Moderna. Our office is not planning to carry the Pfizer vaccine at this time.  Pfizer Patient Fact Sheet 6 months - 4 years of age
  • 5 years - 11 years of age - For children ages 5 through 11 years, they are recommended to recieve one dose of the new 2024-2025 seasonal vaccine, regardless of previous immunization status. If they have received a previous dose of COVID-19 vaccine, the new seasonal vaccine should be given at least 2 months after the most recent dose.  This age group can mix and match between manufacturers.  This vaccine is still under emergency use authorization. Pfizer Patient Fact Sheet 5 - 11 years of age
  • 12 -years of age and older - Comirnaty® (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) is FDA-approved for individuals 12 years of age and older. For individuals 12 years and oge and older, it is recommended that they receive one dose of the new 2024-2025 seasonal vaccine, regardless of previous immunization status. If they have received a previous dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, the new seasonal vaccine should be given at least 2 months after the most recent dose. COVID-19 Vaccine Information Sheet

Current Vaccine Availability - Appointments Available

V-safe After Vaccination Health Checker

Once you get a COVID-19 vaccine, you can enroll in v-safe using your smartphone. V-safe is a smartphone-based tool that uses text messaging and web surveys to provide personalized health check-ins after you receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Through v-safe, you can quickly tell CDC if you have any side effects after getting a COVID-19 vaccine. Depending on your answers to the web surveys, someone from CDC may call to check on you and get more information. V-safe will also remind you to get your second COVID-19 vaccine dose if you need one.  To sign-up, visit

Parents and guardians can enroll children in v-safe and complete health check-ins on their behalf after COVID-19 vaccination. All adolescents in the family who are eligible to be vaccinated can be enrolled in v-safe.  Parents and guardians should use their smartphone to complete a separate v-safe registration for each adolescent. All v-safe communications will be sent to the parent or guardian’s smartphone.  V-Safe Register Dependents

V-safe Information Sheet


Our office is only carrying the Moderna 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine. Please note, if your child is under 5 years of age and has not completed the primary series, it is recommended to not mix and match brands.  Once your child has completed the 2 dose Moderna or 3 dose Pfizer primary series, they can be given either brand. Children 5 years of age and older can mix and match brands if desired.

To schedule an appointment for your child to receive the 2024-2025 seasonal COVID-19 vaccine, please call our office at 614-777-1800, opt. 2 during normal business hours or text 614-500-4045 with your child's name, DOB, your name and preferred clinic date/time. 

For individuals who are under 18, you will need your parent or legal guardian to consent to you receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.  If the child is coming to the appointment alone or with someone that is not the legal guardian, the parent/legal guardian must complete the screening questions and consent prior to the appointment and the child needs to bring the completed form with them to the appointment.

COVID-19 Vaccine Information

Do we recommend kids 6 months - 18 years old get the COVID vaccine?


Why Should kids get the COVID vaccine?

  • Though COVID-19 causes mild illness in most children, some cases of severe disease do occur in children. The vaccine does an amazing job at preventing severe COVID and keeping people out of the hospital/ICU.
  • The vaccine can also help kids avoid annoying "long haul" symptoms of COVID.
  • Kids are great at spreading germs! By vaccinating our children, we can help stop the continued spread of COVID and help protect those who are more vulnerable.
  • If we can continue to decrease the spread of COVID-19 and prevent severe disease, our kids can start returning to normal activities. We want our teens to go to school, play sports, sing the school musical, march in the band, hug their grandparents, and socialize with their friends.
  • To avoid a 10-day quarantine! If a fully vaccinated person has an exposure to a person infected with COVID, they do not need to quarantine - just monitor for symptoms.

Is the vaccine safe for kids?

  • Yes! Hundreds of millions of COVID-19 vaccines have been given around the world as these vaccines continue to prove their safety and efficacy. Clinical trials in adolescents involving >2,000 participants show that COVID vaccines are safe and very effective in teenagers as well.
  • The current COVID vaccines went through the same testing process and safety evaluation as other childhood vaccines.

Is the COVID-19 vaccine fully FDA approved?

  • Yes and No. The FDA has granted full approval both the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines for patients 12 years of age and older. Moderna will now be called Spikevax and Pfizer will now be called Comirnaty.
  • The COVID-19 vaccines are still under EUA (emergency use authorization) from the FDA for patients 6m-11 years old. They will maintain their current name for now.
  • It is still the same vaccine for both age groups - there is not a difference between the vaccine given to either group, except that it will now have a brand name for those patients 12 years of age and older.
  • Yes, this is confusing and silly. Yes, the new names are terrible. The bottom line is that the COVID-19 vaccines now have full FDA approval in ages 12 and up, but is still under EUA for ages 6m-11y for now.